City tour through Düsseldorf

Discover the state capital on the Rhine

Düsseldorf is multifaceted. In addition to the title of "State Capital of North Rhine-Westphalia", Düsseldorf is one of the ten largest cities in Germany, an important business location and a media, trade fair and art city. The city is home to several German professional clubs from various sports as well as the largest Japanese community in Germany in "Little Tokyo".

Join us on a 90-minute tour of the state capital on the Rhine and learn more about the eventful history of the city, clubs and personalities. We will drive past many of the city's highlights, including the shopping mile "Kö", the Rhine promenade and the Rhine Tower, the Medianhafen with its world-famous Gehry buildings, the state parliament and the art academy.

During the tour, you have the option of leaving the bus at one of our 7 stops, exploring the surrounding highlights on foot or visiting one of Düsseldorf's many museums and simply getting on the next bus - HopOn-HopOff makes it possible.

Book your ticket online here


Current timetable information

From Saturday, 01.03.2025 up to and including Sunday, 02.03.2025, our city tour will not start from the regular 01 Köbut from a replacement at Graf-Adolf-Platz 209approx. 450m away.

April - October


Boarding and alighting

Sunday - Friday
01 Königsallee
Kö-Brücke Königsallee/
10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00
02 Old Town
10:10 / 11:10 / 12:10 / 13:10 / 14:10 / 15:10 / 16:10 / 17:10
03 Media Harbor
10:31 / 11:31 / 12:31 / 13:31 / 14:31 / 15:31 / 16:31 / 17:31
04 Rheinterasse
10:46 / 11:46 / 12:46 / 13:46 / 14:46 / 15:46 / 16:46 / 17:46
05 Aquazoo
10:56 / 11:56 / 12:56 / 13:56 / 14:56 / 15:56 / 16:56 / 17:56

06 Academy of Art
Old Town

Due to the current traffic situation, this stop cannot be served by us on Saturdays

11:06 / 12:06 / 13:06 / 14:06 / 15:06 / 16:06 / 17:06 / 18:06
07 Central Station
Immermannstraße - in front of the Central Library
11:15 / 12:15 / 13:15 / 14:15 / 15:15 / 16:15 / 17:15 / 18:15
Arrival Königsallee11:30 / 12:30 / 13:30 / 14:30 / 15:30 / 16:30 / 17:30 / 18:30


Entrances and exits

01 Königsallee
Kö-Brücke Königsallee/
10:00 / 10:40 / 11:20 / 12:00 / 12:40 / 13:20 / 14:00 / 14:40 / 15:20 / 16:00 / 16:40 / 17:20
02 Old Town
10:10 / 10:50 / 11:30 / 12:10 / 12:50 / 13:30 / 14:10 / 14:50 / 15:30 / 16:10 / 16:50 / 17:30
03 Media Harbor
Rhine Tower
10:31 / 11:11 / 11:51 / 12:31 / 13:11 / 13:51 / 14:31 / 15:11 / 15:51 / 16:31 / 17:11 / 17:51
04 Rheinterasse
10:46 / 11:26 / 12:06 / 12:46 / 13:26 / 14:06 / 14:46 / 15:26 / 16:06 / 16:46 / 17:26 / 18:06
05 Aquazoo
10:56 / 11:36 / 12:16 / 12:56 / 13:36 / 14:16 / 14:56 / 15:36 / 16:16 / 16:56 / 17:36 / 18:16

06 Academy of Art
Old Town

Due to the current traffic situation, this stop cannot be served by us on Saturdays

11:06 / 11:46 / 12:26 / 13:06 / 13:46 / 14:26 / 15:06 / 15:46 / 16:26 / 17:06 / 17:46 / 18:26

07 Central Station
Immermannstraße - in front of the Central Library

11:15 / 11:55 / 12:35 / 13:15 / 13:55 / 14:35 / 15:15 / 15:55 / 16:35 / 17:15 / 17:55 / 18:35
Arrival Königsallee11:30 / 12:10 / 12:50 / 13:30 / 14:10 / 14:50 / 15:30 / 16:10 / 16:50 / 17:30 / 18:10 / 18:50

November - March

Boarding and alighting



November & December - daily

January - March - Saturday & Sunday

01 Königsallee
Kö-Brücke Königsallee/
10:00 / 12:00 / 14:00 / 16:0011:00 / 13:00 / 15:00
02 Old Town
10:10 / 12:10 / 14:10 / 16:1011:10 / 13:10 / 15:10
03 Media harbor
10:31 / 12:31 / 14:31 / 16:3111:31 / 13:31 / 15:31
04 Rheinterasse
10:46 / 12:46 / 14:46 / 16:4611:46 / 13:46 / 15:46
05 Aquazoo
10:56 / 12:56 / 14:56 / 16:5611:56 / 13:56 / 15:56

06 Academy of Art
Old Town

Due to the current traffic situation, this stop cannot be served by us on Saturdays

11:06 / 13:06 / 15:06 / 17:0612:06 / 14:06 / 16:06
07 Central Station
Immermannstraße - in front of the Central Library
11:15 / 13:15 / 15:15 / 17:1512:15 / 14:15 / 16:15
Arrival Königsallee11:30 / 13:30 / 15:30 / 17:3012:30 / 14:30 / 16:30

No city tours: Weiberfastnacht, Rosenmontag, Marathon, Christmas (24.12. & 25.12.)

Where is the bus?

Where is the next bus? Click on the picture and we will show you where the next bus is (the display is updated every 30 seconds).


HopON HopOff - valid for 24 hours

adults20 €
Children 4 to 13 years5 € **

HopOn HopOff - 24 hours valid with Düsseldorf Card

adults17 €
Children 4 to 13 years5 € **

1 accompanying person free for people with a "B" disabled person's pass.

HopOn HopOff - 24 hours incl. KD boat tour*

adults29 €
Children 4 - 13 years12 € **

* The validity period of the tickets refers to the bus trip - the boat tour (60 minutes) can only be taken once.

** Only possible in combination with a full-paying adult

Our route

City tour of Düsseldorf incl. - boat tour

Would you like to see the Düsseldorf city panorama not only from the land, but also from the water? Then our combined ticket is just the thing for you. Round off your HopOn HopOff tour with a 60-minute city tour from the water. This will give you a completely different view of Düsseldorf's beautiful Rhine panorama. During the boat trip, you will of course be able to enjoy a range of culinary delights.

Our partner Köln-Düsseldorfer offers you panoramic boat trips along the banks of the Rhine several times a day.

To take part in the boat trip, please report to the Köln-Düsseldorfer sales point below Burgplatz (KD jetty at Burgplatz, near the Old Town). On presentation of your combined ticket, you will receive your ticket for the boat trip and information as to whether there is still capacity for your desired trip. As it is essential to register at the point of sale, we recommend that you book your trip well in advance.

The current departure times of the KD ships can be found under the following link:

Timetable KD-Schiffahrt Düsseldorf

Route, highlights and sights

01 Königsallee
Kö-Brücke Königsallee/
Königsallee, Kö-Galerie, Johanneskirche, Ministry of Justice
02 Old Town
Burgplatz, castle tower, old town hall, banks of the Rhine
03 Media harbor
Rhine Tower
Rhine Tower, State Parliament, Bürgerpark
04 Rheinterasse
Museum Kunstpalast, NRW-Forum, pop and digital culture
05 Aquazoo
Aquazoo, Loebbecke Museum, Nordpark, Japanese Garden
06 Art Academy
Old Town
Old Town, Kunstsammlung NRW, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
07 Central Station
Tourist Information
Tourist information, central station, Japanese quarter, restaurants,

Info & bookings

Tel: 0211 - 17 202 - 854
Fax: 0211 - 17 202 - 1320

  • With the bus driver
  • In many hotels
  • KD sales outlets

Tourist Information
Rheinstraße 3, 40213 Düsseldorf